
The Ultimatum

So I asked my husband for a foot rub tonight. For some reason my dogs are just aching.

Wait let me take you back a few minutes earlier in the conversation. He was sitting down with the computer and was ready to put it away and asked if I needed it. I said no...I'm good for the evening and ready to just relax. He laid it down to join me on the couch and finish up the evening with the Olympics (we just missed Phelp's 7th Gold, we're totally addicted) But he jumped back up to grab the computer for something and I jokingly said "Oh you need to blog tonight?" (He's always blogging!) He said no but YOU need to blog. You haven't blogged in a while. I gave him my typical..."whatever, I've had things to do" response.

As he was sitting next to me I asked him to rub my feet. He replied..."I'll rub your feet if you blog tonight."

So I blogged! (sorry if you were hoping for something more exciting or life changing or deep)

And now I'm off to get my feet rubbed and watching Torres swim to glory!

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