This is a place to share thoughts right? So here's my sharing...
As I'm sitting in my house I find myself living in the city for the first time in my life. I lived with in city limits, but never really what you could consider living "IN" the city. I can tell because I now have people walking past my bedroom window at all hours of the night. I hear the sirens of police and fire trucks on a regular basis. I'm getting used to it I guess.
What I will NEVER get used to is the people. I don't want to get used to it at least. It is an eye opening, heart breaking reminder that our World NEEDS a Savior.
As I was sitting here creating my account, I could hear a group of kids. I couldn't see them and really had no clue where they were, but they were loud enough I could hear every word. I'm sitting in the front window, the one place we get internet (see my husband's blog... I'm a Thief) and I finally catch a glimpse of these kids. I would say that they were in Middle school. Two girls and two boys. One girl stereotypically had a cell phone attached to her ear.
I do eavesdrop without hesitation on many conversations as they pass by my house. Adolescents especially grab my attention. As they were walking by my house they first did not notice me soaking in their interaction and conversation. I shook my head (to myself) in disbelieve at the words they were saying. "Does he/she like N***rs? I don't! " said one kid, the girl responds "Yeah he doesn't either" talking about the person on the phone. The first boy responds by giving her a high five and a few encouraging words. The 2ND boy (smaller and seems to be more of a follower) tries to chime in on the subject to get approval. About this time they notice me in the window and the first boy seemed a bit startled. The conversation quickly stopped and they kept moving down the street.
What really saddens me happens out of my eyesight. I still hear their conversation as they were not even attempting to be quiet. The first boy (obviously the leader of the group) starts saying, " Man, I want to bust a nut all in some girls face like they do in the porno's. That'd be sweet"... My heart sank. My stomach turned. Does he even know what he is talking about? Unfortunately he probably does.
My thoughts that follow include hope. Jesus. Youth Leaders who love Jesus enough to go after these lost children. I pray that one may cross this young man's life. I pray that he encounters what REAL love is. I will keep praying for a lost generation that has little escape from a wicked and depraved world. I am so thankful for a Redeeming God.