
Where I'm at...

Man...I don't think Sept 19th could get here any faster. Seriously, it seems like I've been telling people "Oh just 3 weeks left" for the past two months! And in talking with other ladies who have blazed the path of pregnancy before me, we've come to an agreement (me just the realization). The last weeks of pregnancy are not fun. They stink in fact. You are so miserable at times, but all for a good cause. You need some motivation to go through the pains of labor. At that point, you're saying "Lets get this over with!!!" so you'll do just about anything to get the child out. That's Labor!

So what am I learning now? I choose to look at this as a lesson. Life is full of lessons.

1. I have no feet.
2. Wait I do, they look like elephant feet by now.
3. I've never seen my fingers so fat in my life. U-G-L-Y...but I do have an alibi, I'm PREGNANT!
4. I eat constantly. Snack-0-holic! Soaking it in while I can.
5. Rolling over in bed...the thought just makes me laugh.
6. I sound like a horse when I breath. You can hear me from the other room.
7. Ain't no shame in taking the elevator up just one floor.
8. People LOVE to say..."You look like you're about to POP!"
9. People love to tell me..."You have how many weeks left? You don't even look that big!" (I think they are crazy.
10. I feel as big as a HOUSE!
11. Packing a bag for the hospital is hard! What do you take with you to make you look fabulous after X amount of hours sweating through labor?
12. Jose is more nervous about this than I am. Maybe I'm missing something?
13. There is no bending over to tie shoes, put socks on, pick anything up....ITS IMPOSSIBLE! I'm glad its flip flop season!
14. I have mastered the waddle. It actually gets better as you go along in pregnancy. I had someone ask me if we were on the way to the hospital the other night all based on how I was walking. Oh the pregnancy waddle. Its a beautiful walk.
15. I think my belly is permanently stuck lopsided as long as this child is inside of me. My right side holds the back and the butt of this beautiful creation and it is constantly sticking out. Hopefully not a sign of things to come.
16. Kicks and punches have now become painful. I swear this child takes after me in all my boniness as a child.
17. Did you know you can develop Carpel Tunnel Syndrome while you're pregnant? Yeah, big time. Fluid builds up in your wrists and really starts to wreak havoc. Add the stiff fat fingers and its a great way to wake up in the morning. I can barely grab the covers to move out of bed.
18. Ligaments stretch and it feels like you've got the worst pulled groin muscle in the world. Then the other side kicks in. So walking around you look like a fool (this contributes to the waddle I'm sure). I've about collapsed a few times, I'm sure I look real graceful at times.

All in all, the last few weeks just are not pretty. Although people have said, 'You make it look great!'...they are just being kind. There is no pretty in this phase. But that's OK. It is a means to a beautiful end. Surprisingly I have found myself laughing more now than I did before. I giggle all the time, at the dumbest parts of the oddities of pregnancy. It really has gotten me through the last month or two. If you can't laugh at yourself in life...you're going to be miserable. I don't want to be miserable.

With the crib up, the chair in (LOVE THE CHAIR!!) for rocking, and diapers everywhere, it is really starting to sink in. I'm having a child. This time next month I will be hold a child in my arms that grew inside of me. Still freaky for me to think about, but totally exciting. Things are about to change.....for the better!