
It finally hit me...

I have to deliver this baby that is inside of me!

I know, I know...that is how it works. But I've been so focused on what is going on now that I haven't thought about what will really happen in September! (typing that out I think made my heart rate increase)

I went to the Dr. yesterday, normal check up, things are fine. Measuring 28 weeks, heart rate was 153. That's lower than it has ever been, but I think it was also one of the few moments the Cash was actually sleeping. The Dr asked if the baby is moving and I said most definitely. The way she said it made me feel a lot more at ease about the constant movement of this child.

The Dr. did her normal set of questions, "how are you feeling?" "Anything changing?", then she busts out..."So have you decided about an epidural?"...Totally caught me off guard. And then she said well, we're at the point where we will see you about every 2 weeks. WHAT?! I'm that far along already!!! Crazy! Where did the time go?

But as I waddle into the 3rd Trimester, I am losing more and more sleep. Oh but I did remember a few more things that I have found that I love about pregnancy. One of the best things I have purchased...underwear. Pregnancy underwear. I'm not sure there is a huge difference (no pun intended as your butt gets bigger? Why? who knows...more cushion is my guess). But it is just more comfortable. Oh and the prego pants, the full panel ones, ah-mazing. I love not having a waistband to watch any "luv-muffin' stuff hanging over. I swear, when I'm done with these pants I will forget to zip up my zipper. Its so nice to just pull things up when you're getting dressed. One less step to do!

So far so good. Still just bracing myself for Delivery day, I need to get into that mental state....pray for me! :)


Anonymous said...

u will do great. ur going to be a great mommy !

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness- what a reality check! No bueno on the lack of sleep. I enjoy mine much too much! I understand what you mean with the pants thing. I just bought my first pair of pants without a waistband and can I just say that it's like they take off ten pounds? I'm not lovin the denim any more because EVERYTHING in my waist has gotten thicker- not just my cute little bump like I thought I'd have! But is it just me or can something like those elastic free pants or a really great maxi dress make you feel so sexy? I can't believe you're delivering in a couple of months. That's unbelievable! And Chad and I totally approve of the name. That's what we had picked out for our second boy so when we get our kids together they can all reflect on how very cool their parents are for not naming them Chris or Matt (though those are perfectly nice names)! Anyway, you look beautiful so no matter how you feel the pregnancy is working for you!

Amanda Dean said...

I have been loving reading yours and Joses blogs about your pregnancy! :0) I ended up not having an epidural with Javen. I didn't plan on not having one, but I wasn't crazy about having a 6 inch needle shoved into my spinal cord either! I was technically in labor for 7 hours, but only the last 2 were extremely intense. At one point I did ask for an epidural, but when they checked me I was too far along and could not get it. God created our womanly bodies to do this, but He also created the doctors who created these fabulous drugs. haha! :0) Don't try to be superwoman, listen to your body, I'm sure you will do fantastic! Can't wait to see some photos of baby "Cash"!

J Jeffs said...

If I can handle delivery, you can definitely do it!!! I am of course praying for you. I'll answer any question you have, so don't hesitate. YOU ARE GOING TO DO GREAT!

t said...

I laughed really hard when you said, I waddled into my third trimester... You'll do great, and we can definitely pray with you.

Unknown said...

We want new posts! We want new posts!!! It's the final countdown!!! Hooray!