
What I'm Learning about Pregnancy

So, I've been reflecting on the past 6 months and the knowledge of being pregnant. Here is a list of things that I have learned about myself and pregnancy in general (and it will count as a general update as to how I am doing ) Enjoy!

  1. To survive, you have to have a sense of humor.

  2. I have a sense of humor, probably different than most pregnant people.

  3. I complain, but that is the humor part of me being pregnant.

  4. I never knew that babies in the womb could move around so much. Kinda creepy, but a blessing.

  5. People LOVE pregnant women. Even if they are complete strangers, they LOVE you.

  6. People think you've become incapable of doing certain things. Its nice to have the help on some things, but I still can open doors, carry small things, and sit in back seats.

  7. People think you eat like a pig.

  8. I don't eat like a pig. I can't. There isn't any extra room for all that food. I never realized that eating would make me feel so uncomfortable. There's time I don't want to eat a meal so I don't have to deal with the feeling of being overstuffed.

  9. I am not a tough person. (Jose will tell you this willingly) I don't like the aches and growing pains that come with pregnancy. I hope I can survive labor!

  10. I need to hire an in home massage therapist for the next three months. If anyone is open and willing to work for dirt cheap...send them my way.

  11. I never knew that you would lose so much sleep BEFORE the baby comes. I con't care if this is a prep process, I just want to sleep at night!

  12. I have become a furness. I could heat up a room like its no one's business. This coming from someone who was typically cold all the time.

  13. I'm not feeling that beautiful. I've gotten more compliments now than ever before, but man...getting this belly out of bed in the morning does not make you feel beautiful.

  14. There is no more graceful walking, no sexy swager left in me. I tried it yesterday, it hurt to walk that way. I've given in to the prego waddle.

  15. I'm not a crier. Is there something wrong with me? Everyone else and the books I've read said that you become an emotional wreck when you're pregnant. Only once, maybe twice, have I wanted to cry (both have been out of frustration over something). I don't cry at diaper commercials, or when I think of my future child, or how my parents did such a great job of raising me. I just don't cry. I hope this is normal.

  16. I have an out of control sweet tooth. I had a sweet tooth before, but now it is RAGING ridiculous.

Well, there was alot more that I had rolling around in my head, but I've lost it. Thats one other thing. You have no memory, no sanity left when you're pregnant. If I don't write it down, it probably won't get done (or at least not all the way). I feel like an idiot sometimes, but again. People love pregnant women, so they forgive you easily.

Over all, things have been good. I have been blessed. I don't feel like I have to worry about much pregnancy wise. I've heard stories of how women have struggled, they were ill all the time, bed ridden, and pregnancy was just horrible. I've not been horrible, a little more exhausted than normal, but over all good. I know the ache's and pains come with the gift.

I probably verbalize them more to Jose who has to think that I am the world's biggest wimp. He unfortunatly gets the reall me, the all of me, the private thoughts of me that no one else gets. He's been a trooper. Sympathy and empathy are way off of the charts for him...meaning he does not possess one ounce of those gifts. But he is learning and doing very well! He's given in to my cravings of eating out when we should be eating in. He's been willing (for the most part) to get up and get me something to drink because I am just to comfortable on the couch. He's rubbed my back (begrudgingly) several times a week. I try not to take advantage of his spousal sweetness, but sometimes it happens. Although, I won't feel bad soon. He informed me that he will not have a problem making fun of my cankles...

So three more months to go. Hopefully the hot horrible humid Indiana summers will stay away this year. I'm praying for a cooler, mild summer to go with my increasingly large belly. It will make my waddles to work much easier twice a day.


Kandy said...

You look beautiful! And your post was hilarious! I can agree with many on your statements. So exciting. Again, you look BEAUTIFUL even if you don't feel like it. Make Jose take pics of your bare belly, they are so fun, you'll be glad you did when you no longer have the belly :)

JRev said...

I love your blog. You are so funny. And you are a big wimp, but I still love you.

Magadan Clan said...

People DO LOVE pregnant women. They also love to guess the sex of your baby or just touch your belly unannounced (I don't miss that!)

I do miss:
Being loved just because you are pregnant

The feeling of the baby moving (thanks for letting us feel lil Torres moving)

Safely carrying my baby around with me and not having to worry about the choices that they are making because I am making all of their choices for them.
And hey - if you are a wimp,you're a funny one, so enjoy it cuz I think this is the most pampered you will ever be in your lifetime. I don't know for sure, 'cuz I never had a second of my own, but I don't think there is as much empathy to go around the second time - and you'll be a momma so you will sacrifice your comfort for your family without much of a second thought.

I hope for morning coffee with you again real soon! Take care - and you are beautiful! :) And I think your waddle is

t said...

I about died laughing when I read # 14... that was hilarious.

Sarah said...

Aww..you made me cry and I'm not a crier...LOL! I'm so happy you are enjoying your pregnancy! I wish I was there!! I'd be your massage therapist in exchange for sweet tea!