
Music to my ears!

So last week I went to the Dr and I had it set that it was week 37. The Dr walks in and says..."So week 36". I said politely, NO this is week 37. She said 'No week 36'. I said two weeks ago it was week 35.... She said well lets look (she is the one that holds the records). Turns out I was 36 weeks and 3 days. I was totally week 37..... :) Who cares what she thinks, she's only the Dr right? And I'm thinking, throw me a freakin' bone! I'm so ready to be done with this, just make it week 37 already! But she didn't move any dates or anything. I was beginning to think she was against me or hated me or something.

But this week she went and totally redeemed herself!

I went in for my "37" week check up and she checked me out. Yes, the physical exam not just the measure my belly and hear the heartbeat kind. This is something that you oddly look forward to when you are this far along. It isn't pleasant but it must be done. She goes through the normal quick questions " How do you feel? Is the baby still moving..." This time I get to tell her that yeah 'he/she' is definitely moving and I think we've headed south more. I can feel the baby in butt area when he/she decides to move. With a surprised/excited look on her face, my Dr says.."OH he/she really is moving down then...lets check it out. "

She said "Yep! Definitely down there, I could feel the head. You're dilated to about 1, about 70% effaced, and definitely thinning. The cervix is still tucked under the head, but its definitely thinned." I told her about something else (rather gross so I'll spare you the details) and she said..."Oh that could be part of the mucus plug."

And the words that made my day...."Well, If you go into labor this weekend...." Do you know how long I've waited to hear those words? Well, ok, up until the past week or two I could have waited, but the past two weeks that is all I've wanted to hear! Being dilated to 1 isn't much, but it is more than what I was and it means that labor could happen tomorrow, or it could happen in two weeks...or four....BUT we're making progress!

Today she was a little more lively than normal. She had been at the hospital and had to come running back to the office, so either the jog energized her or she is just a Dr who is someone you want to visit in the early afternoon. I typically go at 4 or 4:30 and by then she is drained I'm sure so she's not really ever been full of expression like she was today.

She said she was going to be out of town on this weekend, so if I do go into labor then some other Dr is on call and will fill in. Jose's family would probably not make it into to town this weekend if we went into labor. Plus two soccer games....we may have a weekend ripe for labor! Just when things get busy, but who knows. I did survive two weeks of craziness and Move-In weekend for the Freshman class and returning students. Maybe this kid is going to hang on for dear life inside.


Magadan Clan said...

Yay for you! We've got news, too. I'll keep you posted. Would really hate not to be there, but you go when you're ready. Really. ;)

TWICE GOOD NEWS 4 U TODAY! Today is your day.

Anonymous said...

that baby will be here soon i cant wait to meet him or her . im so happy and excited for you . ahhh i cant believe your going to be a mommy woo hooo .

JRev said...

i like Dr. Leanne Torres