
New Friends at Alice.com

So I've become acquainted with this new website http://www.alice.com/ I've ordered twice already and its great! I love knowing that I can do shopping without leaving my home, saving myself time AND money. I order toilet paper, lotion, snacks, Twizzlers for Jose, cleaning supplies, etc. They do the searching for coupons saving me money. They also ship FOR FREE, saving me even more money. I haven't had to wait more than two days for my shipment to arrive either, so its not like I'm waiting a week for my much needed toilet paper to arrive. Its at my doorstep (or campus mail) in the same amount of time it would take me to get out to the store (I typically forget I need it and don't make it out to get the TP for another two days to a week anyway). And when baby Torres comes along (ANY DAY NOW!!!) who doesn't want to have something so easy and convenient like Alice to help get shopping done. It is worse than pulling teeth on a lion to get Jose to go to the grocery. So the less things on the list, the happier we both will be.

Some things I do recommend shopping around for though. I'm picky on some things I use and they are not necessarily the cheapest on Alice. If you are just a bargain shopper when it some things then you can get some great deals.

They also have this great blog. They feature new products, time saving ideas, and just in general good housekeeping fun things. This week I was reading the blog and came across an interesting title.. "If the Health Department Isn’t Coming, It’s Clean Enough (+ Giveaway!) " There's a new book out called The White Trash Mom Handbook by Michelle Lamar.

I'm all for catchy titles on books, especially if they are going to give me advice and tips on how to do things that I normally do. (Remember I'm a huge fan of the book Green Chic..) Anyway, the excerpt that is on the blog is pretty good. She even gives nod to being green but being in a pinch. Sounds like my kind of book! I'm sure I'll end up with the book in hand, so I'll let you know how it turns out or you could just check it out for yourself!

1 comment:

JRev said...

I do hate to go to the store