
Yet again!

I'm turning it over again. I wouldn't say that I failed the last attempt, but I have most definitely slipped.

So I've got a new attitude..again.
So I'm going to try it...again.
A slightly modified plan, but still the same goal.

What I've done well so far...

We haven't really eaten out (at least not paying for it ourselves!). I did set it as a treat. We have one day a week that we eat out (and we pay out of our pockets). We ate all that we could at home, some days I had to scrounge around to find something to work...but it did!

I am reading more (not sure if that was on my list I posted) which is what I want to do. I fell in love with the book Green Chic and it is definitely making me think through some of the things we can do at home to save money and the environment. Definitely a good read and one book that I may have to revisit time and time again.

What I've NOT done well...

I haven't worked out in two weeks. So I've set a new plan. I'm going to try just walking/jogging. Jose is doing this three days a week...in the mornings! So I've got to give it a shot, but not in the mornings. I love my sleep to much! So I'll go and walk/jog in the evenings. I met with the director of our wellness center to help me get on track. She gave me some idea's of what I could do at home or while I was traveling. I'm going to learn to use the cardio lab so I can burn some of that extra fat. I told her my issue is more I need accountability. So next semester I think I am going to utilize a personal trainer. They're booked up this semester, but maybe once a month I can meet with a student trainer to help keep me on board. If I know I have to "report" to someone, then I'm much more likely to stick with it. At least stick with it long enough to create a habit!

So thats the update. I'll turn the leaf over many times I'm sure, but I'm ok with that. Its when I stop turning it over that a problem starts to form.

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