
Two times in a row!

So an addition to my goals is to not use a plastic bag when I go shopping. Even when I go shopping at Target.

I did this the other night. I am definitely not missing the big plastic bag. I carried my items around the store so why can't I just carry them out, place them in the seat next to me, then carry them again into the house until they reach their proper place?  It really is rather easy.

And when I go clothing shopping, I plan on using a large purse/bag that I already own to throw my things in.  1. I save plastic (which is the goal) and 2. I will probably buy less (this makes Jose happy).

Grocery shopping is a cinch. I already have three reusable bags that I purchased for my groceries, plus two freezer bags. I fit all that I needed tonight in those bags. No plastic bags! It really was a good feeling to come home and unpack my groceries and not have ten plastic bags laying around. 

I'm going to see how long I can go with out having to take a plastic or even a paper bag home from the store. I'll keep you updated on my record!

1 comment:

Eric Weis said...

Way to go. That's great that you are finding a way to reduce waste.
For us, I don't think we could go every time without bags. We rely on those bags for other household uses (short term storage, garbage bags, bringing donations to goodwill, diapers! and probably other uses we don't even realize.) I just like the idea of cutting down on the literally hundreds of bags that we consume each year, just to carry something home that our hands could very easily do for themselves.