
Recent Obession

So, typically I find a new song, new idea, new webpage, new something or other and I can get quite addicted. I'm sure I'm not the only one out there that is like this, so I thought I might share my new obsession with others who share the same obsession or possibly to enlighten others of this great "new" thing that has come my way.

So if you have seen the Movie Mamma Mia....it is a slight bit different than the stage production I'm sure. But I LOVE IT!!! It is a modern day version of the stage production. I have a few friends who have seen it 2 or even 3 times. (I would if I had a better budget!) The music just plays through your head, even a few weeks after seeing it. I had to download the soundtrack the night after I saw the movie....that's not normal for me!!

I love it. I wish I had a soundtrack that played through out my life. On those good days, I think Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves would be playing. Or maybe Cut Loose by Kenny Login's would be playing some days. And there'd be plenty of sweet sappy music playing, maybe some Marvin Gaye too. OH I'd have a great soundtrack to listen to. And maybe just a select few could have this power (kind of like a super hero power). Because honestly, if everyone had this power then it would just be an absolute mess and really annoying.

But until I am granted that great power, dancing and singing in the comfort and privacy of my own home to the sounds of Mamma Mia will just have to do...

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