

...but here.
Man, today I'm really struggling with wanting to be anywhere but here. Here as in Anderson Indiana. I love my job, but not the location necessarily.

Its been a hard day to stay focused at work. I need to stay away from Facebook and Twitter and all the lovely pictures that other people post. When I look at them I think " man, it'd be nice to be living there!" I always think the grass is greener on the other side.

I've also been battling the "I wish I was more like that person". I love who I am. Don't doubt that. But I catch myself thinking "I wish I had those clothes" or "I wish I had that life". Its stupid and I know its stupid.

I just needed to get that off of my chest. So if you could just lift me up a bit, I'd appreciate it. I always get out these funks because I've got peeps around like you (even though all of you are no where near me right now)!


Magadan Clan said...

Funny - 'cuz I'm just sitting here thinking I'd love to be there! Can't wait to get out of here to spend the weekend with your beautiful family! And you always look great and your wardrobe puts mine to shame! Cheer up, Girlie, you're just having one of those days.

You're gonna miss this, you're gonna want this back, you're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast. These are some good times, so take a good look around. You're gonna miss this.

Sarah said...

I know how you feel! I just look back at old photos of myself and do the same thing...ohhh I love my old hair and my old clothes and my old sense of style. It is worth it- you do without the cool stuff so your kid can have what they need. When our girls are old enough to share clothes with us-- THEN we can start dressing hip again. (You can spend $80 on jeans when two people get to wear them, right?).

Wyatt said...

Leanne, all I want to say is that I hope my future wife is half the woman you are. Being able to look up to a married RD couple, that you and Jose are, was an inspiration to the whole staff and college campus. Every moment we spent in your home was cherished and always felt that we were 'getting away from it all.'

I was truly blessed to have you and Jose in my life and I will never forget the impact you had on me. You two always gave me so much joy simply to just be around you.

Oh, and never forget that you're way out of Jose's league :P.

Blessings to the Torres family!