
Excitement on Campus

Have you ever really stopped to watch the squirrels? Yes, squirrels.

I swear Anderson University truely is one of the squirreliest places I've ever seen. We even advertise that on a few things hoping to entice the younger students. I have started counting. Anytime I am out in the Valley, I do a quick visual check to see how many squirrels are out running around. I typically can count a handful. Then as I walk through I see a few more up in the trees, typically I hear them before I see them.

The squirrels on our campus are crazy. Today Jose and I walked outside of our dorm and there is a squirrel running through the sprinkler. HE WAS RUNNING THROUGH THE SPRINKLER!! He stopped real quick when we walked out as if to say "Uh Oh! I was caught!". He shook off like a wet dog and went running off to check for more nuts. Jose and I just stopped, stared at each other in disbelief, and then laughed.

Later this afternoon I was walking out of the Haven and with in a few seconds of stepping outside I heard a loud ruckus. Trying to figure out what was going on I scanned and scanned and scanned the Valley. I didn't see anything, but then I heard the bushes russell a bit more. These two squirrels were just carrying on and on! One was chasing after the other and really just giving him the dickens. Chased him all through the bushes, out into the middle of the Valley in circle after circle until an unsuspecting student started down the sidewalk. The two squirrels stopped dead in their tracks. A split second later the squirrel being chased took advantage of the student's presence as it distracted the other squirrel and made a break for it. He just took a few leaps and then stopped dead in his tracks again, trying to anticipate what the student was going to do. The student was completely oblivious to the squirrels.

Eventually the squirrels moved. The chaser ran off after another squirrel and I watched them exchange a few frenzied high circle jumps (they look like they are on crack). As I passed the first squirrel being chased, I had to crack up. He was sitting on his hind legs and he was out of breath. His chest was pounding.

How can you not have a good afternoon with such entertainment so readily available on campus! That is just one reason I LOVE AU's campus.


Eric Weis said...

Sounds like some great entertainment. I'm going start watching the squirrels in my yard (there are plenty) and see if I can get as much enjoyment out of them as you are getting.

Did any geese transfer over from Judson, or are there just squirrels.

Torres is the last name... said...

You know what, I just realized I have not seen a single goose on campus.

Thankfully we just have the friendly crackhead squirrels.