
Going Green in Style

Really....I LOVE THIS BOOK! I am totally hooked. I don't think I am typically like this, but day two and I didn't want to put the book down, but for the sake of a good nights rest (and giving myself something to look forward to) I put it down.

Today I am so glad to find out that I already buy pretty good eco-friendly sheets. Yes, sheets. (oh the small things in life that bring me joy, great sheets) I have recently started hearing things about organic cotton and thought that some companies were just trying to pull the wool over my eyes and make more money, but there really is a thing of organic cotton.

Did you know that regular cotton sheets can be treated with 1.25 pounds of carcinogens and the same stuff that are used in pesticides and insecticides. Oh and that nasty smelly stuff that is used to keep dead carcasses in the sciences labs... formaldehyde, yeah that is found in the process of making cotton sheets too. YOU SLEEP ON THESE THINGS!!!

So if you are looking for something good to sleep on, try out Beech Jersey Sheets. They can be found at Bed Bath and Beyond. They may be a slight bit more than sheets you are used to buying (I never knew that sheets could cost you so much, these aren't that bad but some could cost your first born child). But they do last a LONG time. I have only bought two sets of sheets in four years of marriage, and one was for a spare bed that we had.

I was a little worried reading about the sheets because I was going to have a hard time giving up these sheets unless it was for something way more comfortable.


Sarah said...

You crack me up- sheets huh? Just look out for the organic stuff that smells bad all the time. I bought a few organic polos- and they always smell like wet cardboard. Ha ha- I'm sure it is the quality of them. You should see the "green houses" they built by West Glen- they are super neat.

Eric Weis said...

You are right about organic cotton. The process to grow regular cotton is worse than any process to grow any food we eat. The cotton doesn't have to go through the FDA so they don't worry about how much they "juice" the crops. Which means, it is bad for the earth. They pump a ton of stuff into the ground to get that stuff to grow really fast. With the organic stuff you use none of the chemicals which means that there is nothing extra going into the ground which means nothing into the water.

Organic cotton is legit! (there's a sentence I don't think I would have used 10 years ago!)

Torres is the last name... said...

Seriously, reading this book is EYE OPENING!!! I don't think that going organic would be that hard for people if they only knew the truth.

t said...

Your cotton sheet fact freaks me out!!!

Torres is the last name... said...

TJ I could spare you the truth about alot of things. Give this book to your wife, you will have a much healthier life! It is scary the things we don't know that goes in food, in clothing, in just about everything. Seriously...I didn't think this book would do this much damage to my everyday living! I will be posting more....