
A Page Turner

So I added a Bookshelf to my blog to show the list of books that I am reading, or the ones I will be working through shortly.

I started A Generous Orthodoxy but haven't gotten past the introduction. I've heard it gets better, but it just isn't enticing me just yet.

But I happened to be walking through Target today and this little green book happened to catch my eye. I recently became somewhat heavily involved on the Recycling Committee here on campus. My family recycled for as long as I can remember recycling being something that people really do. Not hard core, but at least doing something. I feel guilty when I through something plastic, glass,metal, or cardboardish away.

But this Green book, green chic...Saving the Earth in Style. I want to be green, but I want to be "in style" still. I have been in meetings with students who are way green and way eco friendly. I just don't want to do the dreads, not shower, smell "funny", wear the same clothes all week long. I enjoy looking good (at least what I think is good looking). I enjoy getting my hair done, wearing makeup, wearing trendy clothes, smelling good, etc. I enjoy fashion and the latest styles. But I want to do my part to "Save Mother Earth". So this book really caught my eye.

I've read the Intro and two chapters already!! I don't want to put this book down. It is great so far. She talks about doing small things around your house that just add up to great things. Its not going out and changing everything at once. Little things like using less water (shorter showers), turning lights off, using compact flourescent lights, using cold water for all laundry, opt out of plastic bags when you shop when at all possible (just slip that greeting card in your purse, use easily home made cloth bags instead).

So far, seems easy to do my part to help fight global warming and save some land for future generations of Torres/Bunnell's.


Magadan Clan said...

Hey! I see you've got a book shelf. Cool, huh?

I'd like to take a look at that one sometime. We try to do our part, too. Rock Island recently started voluntary curbside pickup - you'd be shocked at how quickly our recycle container fills up. Sometimes we only have 1 or 2 bags in our garbage receptacle. We got new windows, filled the walls with insulation, switched to florescent bulbs, insulated the hot water heater lines. None of it hurt - and we are saving some green along the way.

I'm going to work on plastic bags next - they are the worst.

I think you are right about changing the stereotype image. (At least I think we still smell good...)

Eric Weis said...

Did your purpose for recently becoming somewhat heavily involved on the recycling committee on campus have something to do with the fact that you are recently employed there as well and needed a faculty supervisor?

Don't forget to pay for that greeting card before you slip it into your purse.

Torres is the last name... said...

I got invovled because I like to overcommit my self! No, I just enjoy the environment and I want it to be around. Plus, if I didn't represent our dorm, I'm not sure who would have. They asked Jose to do it and he wouldn't know what recycling was if it weren't for me.

Torres is the last name... said...

Oh and I bought a set of sheets at Bed Bath and Beyond a few weeks ago and I turned down the plastic bag. It already comes encased so I didn't really need another plastic thing to hold it all together.

But walking out of the store I made sure to hold the receipt up higher so that they saw I actually purchased it!